Monday, 10 August 2009 // 05:03
Uhh...what am I talking about?
Establish your
inner euphoria.
Inside your happiness is just waiting to pop out beneath your skin that is like a brick wall blocking it from emerging.
To establish*euphoria, one must look at themselves from the inside... ask yourself, what am I good at? What do I love? What floats my boat? What gives me butterflies? and once finding those answers, giving your all into those things! Expanding your knowledge, researching, experimenting, create loves... create happiness...Are you ready to establish*euphoria?

This summer is the season to spread smiles across people's faces! Smile at people in the street, if they have established their euphoria they will smile back!
I'm giving you the challenge of establishing your euphoria and other's aswell!
If you see someone or a friend looking down cheer them up, make them smile, treat them to something they like, establish*euphoria!
How can I establish*euphoria?Easy, smile even though your heart is aching. Hold back those tears. Be free, don't care what people think, they can laugh, judge, gossip..whatever, it's your life! Do what you want. Have fun :) To establish*euphoria you need confidence. Raise your self-esteem by doing the things you love, surrounding yourself with the people/things that make you happy, do your favourite hobbies, watch your fave comedians, go shopping with friends, have fun at the beach! ANYTHING THAT PUTS THAT BEAUTIFUL SMILE ON YOUR FACE.

Question of the WeekQ: Hi Renee, I can't afford a holiday? My parent's have no money at the moment and I would have liked a holiday abroad in the sun and have fun. All my friends always go on holidays abroad and I always feel left out when they come back with tans and go on about how much fun they had. What can I do? Holly.Answer: Hey Holly, you don't need a holiday to have fun! Spend some time with friends or family, go to the mall or bake some yummy treats together. It seems your friends are making you feel pressured to go on holiday abroad and you are comparing yourself to them, don't, because this makes you more unhappy.
When they go on about what their holiday was like try and walk away or say you need the toilet or something, otherwise when they all talk about their holidays it makes you feel alone and left out. If not, try to tell them kindly and subtly that you feel a bit left out when they talk about their holidays because you didn't go and it upsets you, try not to say it angrily.
Hopefully, if they are good friends they will understand you and try not to talk about it when you are there. You can always go to other friends when they talk about their holidays aswell! Meanwhile, while all your friends are away and you are feeling lonely go to your local youth club or some summer clubs and meet new people & have fun at the same time!
You could always visit some other places in your country aswell. Also you can visio some old temples or a museum or art display (whatever fits your interests) , go to the riverside, a walk in the forest or local parl, picnic with family and close friends, go to your local beach, go to your nearest swimming pool, go camping, see some concerts, listen to music, run through sprinkles are always fun, get ice cream, see a movie, go to a theme park, cycling, learn/start a new hobby, read a good book, start blogging, clean a room, make fun videos, nature walks, summer flings, dancing, makeovers, horse riding, partying, surfing, sleepovers & slumber parties, sports etc.
The list is endless (:
So get out now and establish*euphoria!
COMPETITION! Win a free $75 Forever 21 Giftcard! All you have to do is go out and establish*euphoria, take a picture of you having fun with the caption or text 'WE/I ESTABLISHED*EUPHORIA' Don't forget the smiles! Make sure it looks like you are having a good time. Best Venue= Outside.

To enter all you have to do is
comment on this post with your entry image with your name and email address. Simple! (At the bottom it says 'Add images' just upload your image and write in the box your name and email)
The comments are temporalily not working, what's new. haha. Anyways so therefore your entries should be sent to instead.
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